Monday, 12 September 2016

Vault 2017 crashes on install

In the UK, follow this:

In Windows Explorer, go to this folder​ " C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\CLM\V3\MSVC14\resources\adlm
Copy the contents of the mainstream local folder to your locale.
For example: If you are using a Windows with a English (United Kingdom) locale, copy the "en-US" folder and paste it in the same location above but rename it to "en-GB" folder. 
Once this has been copied, it should be possible to start the Vault client without it crashing

Monday, 6 June 2016

2017 service packs for June

Here are some of the latest service packs for the Autodesk 2017 product range:

Inventor 2017 products

Autocad 2017 products

Friday, 29 April 2016

Autodesk Network Licence error -15

Autodesk Network License Manager needs the following TCP ports open through the firewall so that client workstations are able to obtain a license from your license server system.
·        lmgrd.exe needs INCOMING TCP ports 27000 to 27009.

·        adskflex.exe needs 2080.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Autodesk 2017 product keys

Please note that when installing Autodesk 2017 products, the Product Key contains the letter "I" and NOT the number "1" (at the 4th position).

i.e. AutoCAD 2017 product key is 001I1 (zero zero one "I" one)

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

After installing User Tools, Rev Cloud icon does not appear

When you install  UserTools.msi, it creates a folder called UserTools in the same place as the msi file. If you want the DrawingTools, you need to go into the UserTools folder > DrawingTools folder > Bin folder. The RegisterDrawingTools.exe will add the tool to the Inventor Add-Ins Tab.
  1. Open CMD.exe as administrator (use the right mouse button).
  2. Browse to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\SDK\UserTools\DrawingTools\Bin (where DrawingTools.dll is located).
  3. Type REGSVR32 DrawingTools.dll and press Enter.
    You must use command prompt as administrator. Otherwise registration will not work.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Which SQL Server am I running with my Vault?

This is a common question we get asked.
If you Google this, you will be given a number of different solutions!
The answer, however, is quite easy.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to  C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.AUTODESKVAULT\MSSQL\Log

Navigate to & edit one of the ERRORLOG files using notepad.

At the top you will see all the information that you need in relation to the SQL version installed for the Vault.

Monday, 1 February 2016

AutoCAD fails to start and graphics is suspected

You can start AutoCAD with hardware acceleration turned off.
Edit the properties of the AutoCAD desktop icon as shown (add "/nohardware").
AutoCAD will now start without hardware acceleration.